Artificial Intelligence- a term that is recited by everyone alike and usually misunderstood. This is way different from the classical case of the general public not understanding the scientists. The idea of AI- something that rivals our intelligence, not only entertains us but also scares us to the same extent, also distracting us, unfortunately.

Artificial Intelligence

A Little Story

I remember reading a story somewhere about a pregnant woman. Her fetus was diagnosed with Downs syndrome. The ultrasound machine showed some white spots that indicated the presence of the abnormality. She was suggested to go for amniocentesis to be sure if the fetus has the genetic modification. This was a risky test where the chances of a fetus being killed were 1 in 300.

Cutting the Long story short- later, they realized that the analysis was done almost ten years back in the UK. These white spots indicated the deposition of calcium which acted as the predictor of the Down Syndrome. Apparently, the fact was ignored that the machines used today are far advanced with more pixels per square inch. Those white spots are just white noise and not something to be worried about.

The fact of the matter is that the analysis has stayed as they were as the technology is advancing. The problem lies in the time of analysis and the time it is used in. Before we use a data, we must keep in mind where when data came into existence and how relevant it is in today’s time.

The Real face Of Artificial Intelligence

We are still far away from bringing together Humans and computers in such a way that it enhances Human life. While some think this problem comes along with and is subservient to the creation of Artificial Intelligence, others also consider it as the chance to create a new branch of engineering.

The machine learning of past several decades has become AI today. The phrase AI came into existence in the late 1950s for referring to the aspiration of providing software and hardware human-level intelligence. In the 1980s, when the backpropagation algorithm was rediscovered, it brought the ‘AI revolution’. We sure have come a long way since Machine Language and first ambitious use of AI.

Way To Go

The system still has shortcomings and issues like security and privacy. These are not just the only problem, these are challenges. The success in the field of AI is limited right now. Truth be told, we still have a long way to go before we can realize the AI aspirations that could imitate humans. Unfortunately, even a limited success catches the attention of media and hypes it up.

We already depend on the technology quite a lot. But the revolution in the field of AI is still awaited. It is going to be very complex and challenging.